
Alejandro Amenábar: I am very honoured to be a member of the jury of the Gil Soundtrack Award

28 / 10 / 2022

The work A gleam of hope by Berlin composer David Heymann wins the IV edition of the Gil Soundtrack Award.

Alejandro Amenábar: "I am very honoured to be a member of the jury of the Gil Soundtrack Award, a unique competition in Spain that rewards cinematographic and, especially, musical values". 

Alejandro Amenábar is the president of the jury of the IV edition of the Gil Soundtrack Award 2022. A choice that is no coincidence. He himself confesses to being a fan of soundtracks and music plays an essential role in his creative process. This passion for music has led him to compose the soundtracks for some of his films and also to create the soundtracks for directors such as José Luis Cuerda and Mateo Gil.


In addition to Amenábar, the 2022 jury was completed with Constantino Martínez-Orts, director of the Film Symphony Orchestra, the composer and music producer Lucio Godoy, the composer and film music specialist Roque Baños and the representative of Gil Family States, Juan Gil Vera, promoter of the Gil Soundtrack Award. 

 In the words of Alejandro Amenábar, "I know of no other competition of this kind, at least in Spain, and I congratulate its promoters for promoting and encouraging such a vital section in the creation of audiovisual works". 

In this edition, the prize for the best soundtrack for a short film has gone to Germany. David Heymann, a young composer from Berlin, is the winner of the Gil Soundtrack Award. A passionate musician trained at the Robert Schumann School of Music and the University of the arts in Utrecht, he is at the beginning of his career composing music for short films and film projects. The young musician was a finalist in the III Edition of this competition, a sign of the perseverance and dedication of this composer. 


Amenábar values David Heymann's composition "A gleam of hope" as follows: "This year, the winning project meets two basic requirements in my opinion: it is very coherent and delicate, both in its musical development and instrumentation; and it explores in depth the expressive possibilities of what is narrated, thus contributing not only to the emotional reinforcement, generally attributed to music, but also to the better understanding of some of the passages of the short film".

A global award

This fourth edition of the International Soundtrack Prize created by Viñas Familia Gil in 2016 represents the consolidation of a Spanish prize that is unique in the world, which seeks to promote and support culture and young talent. In this edition, 153 works have been submitted by contestants from 4 continents, which makes this competition a global event. These are the countries that have participated: 

Spain, Italy, USA, Canada, Brazil, Colombia, United Kingdom, France, China, South Korea, Malaysia, Peru, Germany, Taiwan, Guatemala, Georgia, Russia, Netherlands, Ukraine, Mexico, Egypt, Venezuela, Indonesia, Japan and Portugal.

"Lo que siembras" (What you sow), a short film that supports young filmmakers. 

The winning soundtrack will accompany the short film "Lo que siembras" (What you saw), which was selected from a previous script competition in collaboration with the ESCAC (Escola Superior de Cinema i Audiovisuals de Catalunya) and produced by the same with a team made up entirely of students and graduates of the school. A story full of emotions and feelings that represents the values of the Gil family, values such as tradition and the fact that it is important to be part of a family even if you were not born into it. 

Promoting this combination of music and cinema represents a double commitment to youth, creativity and culture. For Viñas Familia Gil, there is no better way to give back to society the generosity they have received from it.

Reap what you sow, Gala Gil Soundtrack Award 2020.

The awards gala will take place on 1 December on the stage of the Estación Teatro Príncipe Pío in Madrid. An event where the awards will be presented as a result of effort and inspiration.

Gil Family States: more than a hundred years of commitment to the land.

Gil Family States is a century-old winemaking group (1916-2016) with its own vineyards and wineries in 10 Spanish Designations of Origin and a commercial presence in more than 40 countries. Its international prestige is endorsed by the quality of its wines, its respect for the richness of the land where they are produced and the sustainability and uniqueness of its facilities.

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